Awards of Distinction Honorary Chair, Victoria Bechtold Kush

We sat down with Victoria Bechtold Kush to learn about what Girl Scouts means to her. Victoria is a shareholder at Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC, a Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania board member, a former Woman of Distinction, a lifetime member of Girl Scouts, and this year’s Awards of Distinction Honorary Chair.

Can you speak about how your time spent with Girl Scouts helped shape you as a person and what do you most hope for Girl Scouts today to gain from their experiences?

My youth Girl Scout involvement was filled with exploration, fun memories, and uncommon experiences that caused me to grow as a person. As a young girl, I was quite apprehensive and nervous in new or unfamiliar activities. But, as a Brownie, I spent several years of summer camp at Camp Conshatawba. There, I gained confidence by earning my “red cap” (back when color-coded swim caps were issued to identify each camper’s swim level), giving me coveted access to swim in the pool’s deep end. I acquired grit (plus some grime) sleuthing for salamanders and crayfish in the stream. I grew in character learning how to properly retire and handle the American flag at the end of the day. I bonded with the other girls and enjoyed the friendships and sisterhood of the experience. 

I hope that Girl Scouts today will experience the fun of one of our council’s camps, and dig into our wide variety of programs. Doing so, they will expand their horizons and develop their confidence, grit, and character as they grow!

As a lifetime member of Girl Scouts, former Woman of Distinction, Honorary Committee member, and current board member, how would you say being a Girl Scout has influenced your career and/or academic path?

Girl Scouts’ mission is to build girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. This mission is uniquely tied to the high professional standards and duties essential to the legal profession. As a lawyer and civil litigation attorney, I’m routinely faced with complex legalities and challenges that require ethical conduct, critical decisions, and sound judgment. My foundation in Girl Scouts set me up for success with these challenges and prepared me for the rigor of the legal profession.   

What was the most significant barrier you faced while advancing in your career and what guidance can you provide to young women aspiring to be in a professional leadership position in the future?

Women remain underrepresented in the legal profession, particularly among law firm partners. Even though women are now outnumbering men in law schools, they comprise merely 25% of law firm partners. In order to rise through the ranks of promotion to become a shareholder of a large, national, law firm, I worked tirelessly to achieve the best results possible in every case I handled, while staying true to my values. I sought out mentors and engaged with successful women lawyers at Buchanan as well as other lawyers who championed women to provide guidance and insight.

I encourage young women aspiring to be in a professional leadership position to seek guidance and advice from other successful women leaders—just like those at our upcoming Women of Distinction event!      

As the mother of a Girl Scout, what would you like to share about Girl Scouts with other families whose daughter(s) are looking to get involved in various activities?

My daughter, Alexandra, is a Junior Girl Scout. She’s the third generation of Girl Scouts in our family. My mother always taught me the importance of being well-rounded and having exposure to a multitude of things, including things that may not initially seem appealing. With societal pressure for youth to “specialize” earlier than ever, Girl Scouts is the perfect activity to explore new pathways and interests. My daughter’s recent troop meetings have involved lessons in origami, geology, veterinary care, emergency preparedness, community service, good citizenship, and so much more!  These topics have expanded her horizons and sparked new interests beyond her school curriculum and extracurricular activities. 

As the 2024 Awards of Distinction Honorary Chair, what do you hope those who attend take away from this signature event?

When women support each other, incredible things happen! Let’s celebrate the successful, high-achieving women in our midst so that together, we can help girls believe in themselves and in their dreams to become the women leaders of tomorrow. 

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